Monday, December 22, 2008

Well, so much for that...

Oakland - a team that is absolutely awful and now one of the worst franchises in the league - kicked the Texans' asses today, in what was a truly spectacular display of ineptitude.

So the Texans' dreams of having their first winning season (and, incidentally, the first in Houston since 1993) are over. They can, however, beat the Bears next week and equal last year's record. That would really be great, considering that they started off the season 0-4, but nowhere near what everyone was hoping for this year.

So now we wait for the draft, where we hope for a really awesome DB or Brian Orakpo/Michael Johnson to fall to the Texans or that they are able to acquire Julius Peppers/Asomugha or something. Maybe. Orakpo/Johnson/Peppers opposite Mario would probably, I think, do the most to improve the defense, but any improvement on the defensive side would do a lot for the Texans right now.

Anyways, I've been playing Fallout 3 for the last week, and it's really awesome. Like every other Bethesda game I've played since Daggerfall, however, it's buggy as shit. I have no idea why they get away with that. It was excusable back in the 90s - we didn't have any expectations for video games - or with Morrowind , when a fully 3D RPG was entirely new. But Oblivion was exactly the same - terrible pathfinding, characters with scripts that lead them to jump off of buildings, awful clipping issues, and a game engine that can't properly animate running people. Still, the game is a lot of fun, even if it has all those problems. Kinda like the Texans, I suppose.

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