Friday, October 31, 2008

Charles Barkley is a funny man

Maybe it's because I love a good internet troll (incidently, this is why I usually understand that Justice is just being an asshole - doesn't mean I like his troll-fu, because it's terrible, but I understand the bastard), but this interview (you have to look for it) with Charles Barkley is freakin hilarious. And I don't think that the interviewers "get it" until about the time the Round Mound of Rebound insists that he was always in great shape during his Rockets years.

Great Parts:
(1) Calls Yao Ming a Communist
(2) Says Tracy McGrady probably wasn't able to get out of the first round of his softball tournament. He also would get hurt playing connect four.
(3) Calls out Rafer Alston for his streetball crap (this is a legitimate beef, actually, but Rafer doesn't do that too often anymore).
(4) Says the Rockets will finish 10th (but because it's the city of Houston, he'll bump them up to 9th).
(5) They're hurrible and turrible

Barkley's commentary last night was more serious: if the Rockets have T-Mac and Yao healthy, and if Artest doesn't fuck up, they'll be awesome. That's essentially the line that everyone has been parroting, but it's the truth. I honestly think that this crap with Artest is overblown - he clearly enjoys playing here (did you see how quickly he came to Yao's defense last night?) and the Rockets have given him a minder. He'll be fine. As I've said previously, injuries are unpredictable. They can sideline any team.

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