Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dickie J isn't from around here.

Justice apparently needs more hits to his blog, because he's gone back to his "troll my readers" strategy. This time: Why do Houston fans hate the Cowboys?

I have no idea where Justice comes from. I know he's a UT alumnus, but that doesn't mean much. So maybe he doesn't understand this basic fact - Houston hates Dallas. It's just the way of the world. We hate their city (bunch of stuck-up fucks), they hate our city (dirty, mosquito-infested swamp) - it's a nice little set-up we've got going. The only people who root for the Cowboys in Houston are either (A) not from here, or (B) a bunch of traitorous fucks who better not be rooting for any other Houston teams, because that's a bunch of bullshit.

Now, for years, that rivalry was centered around the Governor's Cup and all that bullshit. But a decade of combined Oiler playoff chokes, losing Oiler teams, no NFL team in the city, and finally a terrible expansion team have made an NFL rivalry something of a joke. Houston is, strangely enough, more interested in the Stros than the Texans. Of course, the Rangers suck, so nobody in Houston really cares how they do. The only sport where Houston and Dallas are on par is basketball, and I'm happy whenever the Rockets kick the Mavericks' asses (I'm also happy when they destroy the Spurs, but it's less cathartic. I'm rather fond of San Antonio).

So, if the Texans can't compete with the Cowboys (however, the Cowboys are VASTLY overrated every year), I'm happy to just see Dallas teams lose. And I'm happy that Romo will not be playing for a month (lighten up, Cowboys fans, he just broke his pinky; he'll be fine). And I hope that "America's Team" fucking crashes and burns.

Honestly, I don't know what the hell Justice is confused about. It's a pretty simple equation.


I'm particularly fond of comments like this:

I'm a Cowboy's fan and rooted for the Oilers and Texans, as long as they weren't playing Dallas.

No. No, you're not a Cowboys fan. You can't cheer both teams and be a fan. I don't cheer the Mavs or Spurs. I don't care that they are from Texas; it just doesn't work that way. The only time boundary lines can be crossed is with South-Central Texans picking a baseball or football team. Otherwise, you stay loyal to your region's sports team. That's just the way it works.

That would be a stupid attitude to have in real life, but fortunately, sports teams aren't real life. So we can enforce arbitrary cultural boundaries.

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