Friday, August 15, 2008

Dickie J is Houston's Worst Reporter

Don't get me wrong, I like the Longhorns as much as the next non-Aggie Texan. If I have to choose an NCAA Div-1A team that doesn't get its ass kicked by the local community college, I'll take UT (though Tech is pretty cool now. I like the Air Raid offense. Reminds me of vintage Warren Moon). Sorry, Tulane, but we should never have left the SEC. Sure, we'd continue to get pounded by larger, more retarded schools, but we'd make out with boatloads of cash each year. That's why Vandy does it, year in and year out.

Anyways, back to why Justice is a tool. He takes his love of all things Longhorn too far. I get that he's an alum, and I guess that goes a long way (I don't know. Neither of my parents took their colleges that fucking seriously, and dear old Dad went a military academy). But his latest piece of shit about Vince Young and the Longhorns sets a new standard in bullshit.

For those not aware of it, the University of Texas is amending its rules on retiring numbers. Previously, only those who actually graduated from UT could have their numbers retired. This left out guys like Vince Young and Roger Clemens.

If I were a UT alum, I would think this was an embarrassment. It's insulting enough that Vince Young was barely literate, yet allowed to compete in the NCAA. Now the University is going to pretend that he finished his schooling there.

What's really galling about Justice's fellatio of Young and UT is his statement "It's a place of ideas, a place of thought, a place where people learn to be the best they can be," - referring, of course, to the UT Austin campus.

But that's just it - Young had none of those qualities. He didn't even graduate. He didn't become the best he could be at anything but scrambling and passing.

On principle, I don't have a problem with Young going to "school" for three years to hone his skills as a quarterback. The NCAA is a scam that robs young athletes of the money they make for the schools they attend, and on some level I think it's okay for schools like UT, LSU, and USC to admit sub-par students.

But pretending that Young was anything but a hired athlete is bullshit. That's why UT shouldn't retire his jersey, just as they shouldn't retire Clemens'. They were both spectacular college athletes, but neither were there for the "college" part of the equation.

And when will Justice finally come out and admit he was wrong about Mario Williams? He spent all of 2006 and 2007 complaining about our star DE, and now he pretends as if he's always been behind Williams. Hell, Bill Simons admitted that he was wrong, and he doesn't even write for a Houston paper.

In fairness, virtually no one was right about Mario Williams. Only Casserly (who would lose his job shortly after the 06 draft) got it right. No Houston sportswriter thought Williams was the right choice. Only a tiny minority of fans believed that drafting Williams was a good choice. I admit that I wasn't among them.

But two years later, neither Young nor Bush has lived up to expectations. Young might develop into a good QB in a few years, but Bush has shown himself to be a complete and total bust. He averages 3.7 yds/carry. That's ridiculously bad.

But Justice will never admit a mistake. He never acknowledges a change in opinion or gives a reason for why his would change - he simply states a new, mindbogglingly stupid opinion every day.

Fuck Dick Justice and the Chronicle.

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