Friday, September 26, 2008


Dickie J's blog is always a good source of bullshit. From today's entry:

GM Ed Wade blew up the roster last winter, and in the end, gave us an interesting season.

What? Ed wade didn't "[blow] up the roster." He sold off some bench players, back-of-the-bullpen pitchers, go-nowhere AAA "prospects," and one of the best relievers in the game for an all-star shortstop (who tanked the season). Methinks that Dickie's definition of "blow up" is suspect.

Let's read on:

They ranked in the top five in OPS in just two positions--first baseman and left field. They were in the top five in OBP in the same two positions. They were near the bottom of the NL in production in center field, third base and catcher.

Wade's first difficult question will concern Ty Wigginton and Michael Bourn.

Bourn I can understand - he's been absolutely awful this year and will probably lose his roster spot to Bogusevic sometime next season. But Wiggy's been nails all season long. Even before he had that ridiculous August, the guy was 3rd in OBP on the team.

Here's why we've gotten so little production from 3rd - Coop doesn't play Wiggy every day. He's played the last month in left, and even before then, Coop felt compelled to give Blum or Loretta playing time at third. Wigginton is not why the Astros had poor production at the left corner. He's why it's not completely dreadful.

Here's the thing: Wiggy has only had 419 PA's this year. That's the lowest he has had since he was called up in 2002. The guy is good. He can play. Just put him in, dammit!

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